Analyzing and Minimizing Non-Interchange Pass Through Fees: A How-To Guide
Enter your email and download our guide today to learn about Non Interchange Pass Through Fees (NIPTFs), how they might be impacting your profitability, and how we have been working with clients to reduce them and realize cost savings.
A summary of the contents of the guide is as follows:
Part 1: An Introduction to NIPTFs
Learn what exactly an NIPTF is, why controlling them can be challenging, the impacts they can have on the profitability of payment facilitators, ISOs, acquirers, and processors, and how they can be better managed.
Part 2: How To Analyze & Minimize NIPTFs
Gain insight on how we have been supporting clients to improve management of NIPTFs and improve their profitability. More specifically, we discuss the typical approach we take during our engagements (which can be used by any organization with the right expertise and knowledge of network rules), as well as some key observations that have arisen as a result of our work.
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